** Filling Sandbage **
Fill the bags about one-half full and tie the bag near the top. if it is tied, which permits the sand to move easily in the bag to create a good dike. Overfilled bags and bags tied too low leave gaps in the dike, which allows water to seep through. Sandbags do not need to be tied unless they are transported. Filling sandbags usually is a two-person operation. One member of the team holds the bag on the ground slightly in front of his or her spread feet and the second shovels the sand into the bag. Use gloves to protect the bag holder's hands. The use of safety goggles is desirable, especially during dry and windy days. For large-scale operations. filling sandbags can be expedited by using bag-holding racks. funnels on the back of dump trucks used for sanding operations and various power loading cquipment. However. the special cquipment required is not always available during an emergency.
** Stacking Sandbags **
Lift bags using your legs and limit twisting of your back. Gently hanc the sandbat to the next person in a sandbag brigade or line.
A triangular or pyramid shape for the dike is not necessary if the height will be I foot or less. Support the wall of sandbags with "clusters" of bags every 5 feet to stabilize the sandbag wall so it does not tip over from the force exerterd by the floowater.
Place the first layer of bags lengthwise on the dike (parallel to the flow), lapping the bags so the filled portion of one bag lies on the unfilled portion of the next, with the tied or open end of the bag facing downstream. Offset adjacent rows or layers by one-half bag length to eliminate continuous joints, similar to what is done laying bricks. Compact and create a tight seal. Continue to walk on the bags as succeeding layers are placed.
The base of the dike should be about two to three times as wide as the dike is high to provide adequate strength and friction surface area. Water exerts a tremendous force against the dike. Estimate the pressure on the dike base by multiplying the water depth by 62 pounds. For example, the pressure theat 5 feet of water exerts on the base of a dike ia about 310 pounds per square foot. The force of 5 feet of water on a vertical wall is about 775 pounds per linear foot of wall. Flowing water striking the dike exerts even more more force on the dike. A triangular-shaped dike permits the weight of the water to push down on the dike to help hold it in place.

Plan of bottom Layer

Lapping sandbags

Place bags parallel to the flow of water

Fill the sandbag method
Thank you Detial From
"Kenneth Hellevang, Extension Engineer"
NDSU Extension Service North Dakota State University Fargo, North Dakota FEBRUARY 2011
For more information on this See www.ag.ndsu.edu
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