CLSM is a very versatile "liquid soil" which is placed as a flowable liquid, yet hardens and rapidly develops exceleent load bearing properties, without requiring compaction.
Flowable, cementitious fill was initially developed in the early 1970's as a replacement for poorly compacted soil. Over the past several years, CLSM has been used in lieu of compacted soil and granular fill for end-uses including bedding and backfill for utility trenches, paving subbase, bridge abutment and retaining wall backfill, along with, tunnel, sewers and other underground structures, and tight access areas. CLSM is typically comprised of combinations of cement, water, fine aggregate, fly ash, possibly coarse aggregate and more recently, chemical admixtures. The material properties of CLSM encompass both concrete and soils. They usually fall well below low-strength concrete, but are superior to most high quality compacted soil fills. CLSM is batched and mixed in central-mixed concrete plants or ready-mix trucks, transported via ready-mix trucks, and placed by chutes, conveyors, buckets, and pumps.
"Speeds construction, Reduces labor and equipment, and does not settle."
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